Bird Monitoring, Surveys, and Populations


U.S.-North American Bird Conservation Initiative Monitoring Subcommittee.  2007. Opportunities for Improving North American Avian Monitoring.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Arlington, Virginia.  47 pp. 

Coordinated Bird Monitoring Working Group.  2004.  Monitoring avian conservation: rationale, design and coordination.  Unpublished report, International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Washington, D.C.  28 pp.

Earnst, S.L., and B.A. Andres.  1996.  Population trends of breeding birds in Ohio.  Ohio Biological Survey Miscellaneous Contributions No. 3.  125 pp.

Andres, B.A.  1994.  Density and habitat use of hawks wintering in the bluegrass region of Kentucky.  Kentucky Warbler 70: 57-63.

Andres, B.A.  1992.  Woodlot changes and the decline of red-headed woodpeckers in Ohio.  Ohio Woodlands 29: 9-10.

Andres, B.A.  1991.  Overwater migration of sharp-shinned hawks in the Dry Tortugas, Florida.  Wilson Bulletin 103: 491-493.

Andres, B.A.  1991.  Wetland breeding bird survey – 1991. Unpublished report, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, Endangered and Nongame Wildlife Program, Columbus, Ohio.  25 pp.

Andres, B.A.  1990.  Call-response and call-count surveys for breeding wetland bird species.  Unpublished report, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, Endangered and Nongame Wildlife Program, Columbus, Ohio.  25 pp.

Andres, B.  1989.  Fall and winter use of the Lexington Reservoirs by waterbirds. Kentucky Warbler 65: 55-61.

Andres, B.  1988.  Bird use of successional fields at Batelle-Darby Creek Metro Park. Unpublished report, Metropolitan Park District of Columbus and Franklin County, Columbus, Ohio.  19 pp.

Andres, B.  1988.  Biological assessment of the Lowell Trace property.  Unpublished report, Dublin Parks Recreation Department, Dublin, Ohio.  26 pp.

Andres, B.  1987.  Biological assessment of the proposed Quarry Place site.  Unpublished report, Dublin Parks Recreation Department, Dublin, Ohio.  11 pp.