
Brad A. Andres, Ph.D., works for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as the National Coordinator of the U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plan. He’s been active in shorebird and wetland conservation since the beginning of his professional career, although he also devotes time both professionally and personally to projects that address the conservation of all birds and their habitats.

Brad received his B.S. in biology from Pennsylvania State University and went on to earn an M.S. and Ph.D. in zoology from Ohio State University. He completed his master’s and doctoral research in Alaska, where he studied the abundance and habitat use of migrant shorebirds on the Arctic Coastal Plain and the effect of the Exxon Valdez oil spill on Black Oystercatchers in Prince William Sound.

After completing his graduate studies, Brad served for 10 years as regional shorebird and landbird biologist in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Migratory Bird Program in Anchorage, Alaska. In 2001, he relocated to the USFWS headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, where he took on his current position as coordinator of the Shorebird Conservation Plan. He is now based in Denver, Colorado.

A prolific writer, Brad has produced more than 50 scientific manuscripts, technical reports, and conservation plans and has given more than 30 scientific presentations. He has also used his scientific background to bring biological messages to the lay public through more than 30 popular presentations and articles.

Brad is active in a number of professional societies such as the Arctic Institute of North America, Waterbird Society, Wildlife Society, International Wader Study Group, and Colorado Field Ornithologists. Closer to home, he is a member of Evergreen Audubon; he serves as President of the Board, as well as Committee Chair of the Bear Creek Atlas. He’s a frequent volunteer at the Evergreen Nature Center along with his wife Heather Johnson, who also works for the USFWS.